Trauma, PTSD, and CPTSD
What is Trauma?
Trauma is a normal, automatic, emotional response to an abnormal event. Such events include but are not limited to, a serious accident, crime, combat, natural disaster, and sexual assault. Trauma responses are biologically adaptive, to protect us from harm and increase our chances of survival.
The trauma response can present with symptoms experienced immediately after a traumatic event including shock and denial. After some time, a person may develop Post-traumatic Stress Disorder through the presentation of other symptoms including, overwhelming/fluctuating emotions, flashbacks, recurrent dreams/nightmares, avoidance of activities/people/places which remind them of the event, relationship challenges, sleep disruption, concentration/memory issues, and physical pain.
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For someone who may have prolonged or repeated trauma, (traumatic upbringings/relationships with caregivers and/or romantic partners, systemic oppression, etc.), may find themselves experiencing Complex PTSD.
Our bodies can become "stuck" in a trauma response, perceiving threats and danger everywhere, despite the fact the danger has already passed. Sustaining a satisfactory, comfortable, and rewarding life can feel quite challenging for those who are battling daily, automatic, trauma responses.
We’re committed to helping you through your chronic health and pain conditions. Our holistic approaches in counseling and in our wellness services like reiki and yoga focus on integrating the mind and body into one. We will assist you in understanding the automatic responses happening in your own body through the sympathetic nervous system (fight-flight-freeze), and teach you how to engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest-digest) to relax the body and facilitate the healing of traumatic memories encoded in our brains and body. Each provider offers a unique approach to healing these deep wounds - from gentle poses and breath work with Embodied Therapy, to creative expression and processing with Art Therapy, and Inner Child healing activities - there is an approach that fits your needs. We are also now offering Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for trauma and anxiety.
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We also offer support for the following conditions:
Adjustment & Life Transitions
Chronic Health and Chronic Pain
LGBTQ+ Support Needs